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3 Tips for How to Spice up Sex:


1.Change the Location

If making love in the bedroom is your normal routine, then try making love in a different room. For instance, try making love on the kitchen floor or in the dining room. The change of scenery will stimulate your senses and add a fresh excitment to the air.


2. Change the Time

Many couples are in the habit of making love at night before going to bed. But is there a law against having sex in the morning or mid afternoon? Here’s an idea; plan a mid week lunch date with your spouse and make love before returning back to work.


3. Accessorize Your Lovemaking

Ladies, you accessorize everything else! Why not add a few accessories to your lovemaking? Try incorporating lotions, oils, sexy lingerie to heat things up a little.

There are hundreds of other things you can try. But start with these small ideas first to see how your spouse responds. If he or she responds favorably, then continue researching how to have great sex and gradually incorporate what you learn into your lovemaking.

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